Formed in 2001, BIGMAMA have experienced lots of ups and downs in their over ten year career. While still an indie band, they have begun to attract an impressive number of fans from around the world in the last few years, delighting them with Masato Kanai's slightly childish voice and Mao Higashide's lovely violin playing.
The quintet seems to be moving forward as strongly as ever and continues to offer listeners a whole new kind of musical experience, one release at a time.
Vocal/Guitar: Masato Kanai
Backing Vocal/Guitar: Hiroya Kakinuma
Bass: Hideto Yasui
Drums: Ib Riad
Violin: Mao Higashide

SHORT FILMS [Mini Album] (05.07.2006)
01. look at me
02. cpx
03. now you're not here
04. seriously
05. little cloud
06. in my bed room
07. we have no doubt

BOYS DON'T FLY [Single] (06.06.2007)
01. Moo
03. Do you remember?

Love and Leave [Album] (05.12.2007)
01. the cookie crumbles
02. Baseball prayer
03. We have no doubt
05. Today
07. Neverland
08. The Man's Sorrow
09. I'm so empty
10. CPX
11. Moo
12. Candy House

Neverland [Single] (05.09.2007)
01. Neverland
02. If It Makes You Happy

Weekly Fairy Tale [Single] (17.09.2008)
01. opening
02. Cinderella~計算高いシンデレラ~
03. Slepping Beauty~二度寝する眠れる森の美女~
04. Pinocchio~開き直ったピノキオ~
Dowsing For The Future [Album] (03.12.2008)
01. Paper-craft
02. Gum Eraser
03. 『それはきっと天使が長く勤まらない理由』
04. The Game is Over
05. MISSION 481
06. make a booboo
07. My Greatest Treasure
08. Sleeping Beauty ~二度寝する眠れる森の美女~
09. just a tool
10. Cinderella ~計算高いシンデレラ~
11. Dowsing For The Future

Diamond Ring [Single] (22.07.2009)
01. ダイヤモンドリング
02. Have You Never Been Mellow ~そよ風の誘惑~
and yet, it moves~正しい地球の廻し方~ [Album] (04.11.2009)
01. Overture
02. Kakurenbo
03. I Don’t Need a Time Machine
04. as one
05. No Way Out
06. Lovescape
07. Where’s The Ring?
08. Accelerate
09. Broken Apart
10. The Right
12. Roll It Over

roclassick [Concept Album] (06.10.2010)
01. 走れエロス (ヴィヴァルディ『春』)
02. 虹を食べたアイリス (ベートーヴェン『運命』)
03. テレーゼのため息 (ベートーヴェン『エリーゼのために』)
04. 英雄を抱いてマリアは眠る (バッハ『フーガト短調』他)
05. ツルギが無い (ハチャトゥリアン『剣の舞』)
06. 荒狂曲“シンセカイ” (ドヴォルザーク『交響曲第9番"新世界より"』)
07. 計算高いシンデレラ (パッヘルベル『カノン』)

I'm Standing on the Scaffold [Single] (25.12.2010)
01.I'm Standing on the Scaffold

Himitsu to Lucy [Single] (06.07.2011)
01. Himitsu
02. Lucy

#DIV0! [Single] (14.09.2011)
01. 0!
02. Ghost Writer
君がまたブラウスのボタンを留めるまで [Album] (25.01.2012)
01. beautiful lie, beautiful smile
02. #DIV/0!
03. 最後の一口
04. until the blouse is buttoned up
05. 荒狂曲"シンセカイ" ~orchestra編~
06. Zoo at 2 a.m.
07. "Thank You" is "Fxxk You"
08. アリギリス
09. I'm Standing on the Scaffold
10. 週末思想
11. 秘密
12. 母に贈る歌

風船夫婦の俯瞰show [Single] (12.09.2012)
01. Mr. & Mrs. Balloon feat. GEROCK
02. 俯瞰show

Jeffrey Campbellのスケートシューズで [Single] (12.12.2012)
01. Jeffrey Campbellのスケートシューズで
02. 負け犬と勝ち猫

君想う、故に我在り [Album] (13.03.2013)
01. awasekagami
02. 君想う、故に我在り
03. 春は風のように
04. ファンデーション
06. Mr. & Mrs. Balloon
07. Not too late
08. auctioMania
09. ex-extra
10. 俯瞰show
11. Jeffrey Campbellのスケートシューズで
12. ライフ・イズ・ミルフィーユ

alongside [Single] (28.08.2013)
01. alongside
02. look at me

Sweet Dreams [Single] (26.02.2014)
01. Sweet Dreams
02. Theater of Mind
03. Virtual Insanity(Jamiroquaiカバー曲)04. やさしさで溢れるように(JuJuカバー曲)

Roclassick2 [Mini Album] (16.04.2014)
01. Animanimus(ブラームス『ハンガリー舞曲』)
02. Swan Song (チャイコフスキー『白鳥の湖』)
03. No.9 (ベートーヴェン『交響曲第9番「歓喜の歌」』)
04. Royalize (サティ『ジムノペディ』)
05. Perfect Gray (グリーグ『ペールギュント』)
06. bambino bambina (エルガー『威風堂々』)
07. Moonlight (ドビュッシー『月の光』)